EIU Homecoming Parade
Well, I enjoyed the parade. I was all dressed up, so was rachel. I thought that the bands were good, as was the candy. On a similar note, CHS Band is a bunch of pussies. Why couldn't they march? oh, yeah, they're a bunch of complainers. Fucking MOUNT CARMEL showed up.......where is that? *sigh* I used to be a CHS Band groupie...but no longer. I've lost my faith in Band.
First of all, because the last time we Did march in that parade, we got beer and other materials thrown at us not to mention, people walked Into the band, touching us, etc.
We didn't even get the worst of it. Our administration has decided to not let us go back to that parade until EIU has proven that they have that under control.
Second of all, because it's during our competition season, and unless we go to a night competition we can't go to it, because we usually leave for competitions during or before the parade.
Third of all, parades are annoying as hell. I hate them, they're tiring and noone is at all appreciative, all they do is yell at you when you're not playing, but sweat is dripping down your face because you just finished a song.
Also, EIU brought in some bands that hadn't marched in the parade before and didn't know what went down a couple years ago. And believe me, it was a big deal. Especially because of our district's extreme sensitivity to Everything.
-Jenny Nance
at 22:26 |
PS. We as a band do not get to decide where we go, what competitions we go to, etc. Even if we Wanted to go to that parade, we would have little to no say in the matter.
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