a comment
Jenny says:
Stephen replies:
I don't really know Jenny anymore. I know the Jenny from several years ago (which may be the same Jenny). I've heard a lot of people (i dont remember any names) say that she's changed for the worse, but these people were quick with details and slow with generalities. The sense that i got is that she is still a random/free-spirited person (which makes many people uncomfortable). Jenny is not too concerned with what people think about her, and her actions often reflect this. An anonymous person suggested ignoring what the "sad, unfortunate beings" say and just stick with who you are. I offer this grain of salt: Being condecending of "sad, unfortunate beings" who just might be telling the truth (biased as it may be) is the fast track to lonely bitterness. If you brush off criticism by declaring yourself to be better than those criticising you, then you've learned nothing about yourself. However, if you take criticism, evaluate it objectively, and incorperate it into your life accordingly, then you grow as a person and rise above the nay-sayers. The same anonymous person says,
"... Guys...if you think i've become someone different than I was in the past..oh, let's say..year..in a negative way, that is...please, don't even hesitate to post. I'd really like to know."
Stephen replies:
I don't really know Jenny anymore. I know the Jenny from several years ago (which may be the same Jenny). I've heard a lot of people (i dont remember any names) say that she's changed for the worse, but these people were quick with details and slow with generalities. The sense that i got is that she is still a random/free-spirited person (which makes many people uncomfortable). Jenny is not too concerned with what people think about her, and her actions often reflect this. An anonymous person suggested ignoring what the "sad, unfortunate beings" say and just stick with who you are. I offer this grain of salt: Being condecending of "sad, unfortunate beings" who just might be telling the truth (biased as it may be) is the fast track to lonely bitterness. If you brush off criticism by declaring yourself to be better than those criticising you, then you've learned nothing about yourself. However, if you take criticism, evaluate it objectively, and incorperate it into your life accordingly, then you grow as a person and rise above the nay-sayers. The same anonymous person says,
"It's extremely frustrating and annoying to know that some people just don't understand things, nor are they willing to accept anything different that comes up in their little lives. When a person makes another person question his or her self worth or way of doing things, I get so pissed off I practically piss myself."If you cannot adapt, you won't make it in the world. You must accept change or produce change, but either way there will be change. By questioning the way that things are done, we promote change (oft for the betterment of the whole). I encourage people to question how/why i do what i do and what my self worth is. In discussing these things with others i gain perspective and insight. Jenny's original post urges people to share how they think that she's changed in the past year. This is similar to an audit of your finances. By peer review you can objectivly see what's wrong, and learn how to change it if need be. I applaud this effort on her part. It can be quite difficult to hear bad news.
i think this is your finest entry yet. Way to go stephen.
i love you bug,
at 00:30 |
Thank you so much, Stephen, for that. I see the value in what both of you said. I think the person that posted on my DJ meant, or at least I'll take it to mean, that I should engross myself in what other people think. I do that sometimes, and become very depressed as a result. But I see the value in what you said because you can't shut out everything, as I've also done in the past. I'm really starting to discover some things about myself and about other people, and if that makes me a worse/better person...ok. I mean..I hear people talk about me all the time and say 'she's such a bitch' or other things, but it really doesn't help unless they say them to me or give some specifics with it. Although, i'm really not going to trust anyone's opinion wholly until I get out of high school. I wouldn't have anyone trust mine, wholly at least. High school is such a bitch. Anyway, I appreciate it.
Originally, I put that because someone had said to me, someone that I thought loved me, that I had become a very bad person..which really doesn't tell me anything. But, I'm going to leave it, and probably noone will say anything..but it'd be really nice if people did. Thanks
at 00:32 |
sorry, i'm correcting a typo. "that I shouldn't engross myself", lol.
at 08:12 |
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