Looking toward the future
Wouldn't this be wild!? Oh well. I've somewhat given up on the United States for the next 4 years. I honestly don't see how the Bush administration can see nearly losing the election as a mandate from the people. 70,000 votes the other way in Ohio and you don't have a Bush administration. I think that this election, more than the last, demonstrates the need to get rid of the electoral college. Supposing that Kerry had won Ohio and the election, Bush would have won the popular vote by millions of votes, and lost. If we only looked at the popular vote, the election would have been over by 1-11-2004. There wouldn't have been the need to consider possible legal actions by the Kerry campaign. Instead, we have a system in which my individual vote doesn't matter. What matters are the votes that make up the margins for one candadite or another. This is what i call "Vote Marginalization". My vote didn't matter because I didn't vote in Ohio. I didn't vote in a precinct that was close. If I hadn't voted, Kerry still would have lost.
A guy at work asked me if I was upset by the election. I replied, truthfully, that i wasn't upset, just dissappointed. I thought that the American people knew better. He scoffed. I scoffed at his scoff. Life went on. As I was leaving work another co-worker said, "Look, in a couple of years we'll be graduating from college. We won't find jobs. We'll be in the middle of World War 3, us vs everyone else. We'll be immediately drafted." I'd like to add that we will also have had our rights trampled upon since 2000.
Nov. 4, 2008!
A guy at work asked me if I was upset by the election. I replied, truthfully, that i wasn't upset, just dissappointed. I thought that the American people knew better. He scoffed. I scoffed at his scoff. Life went on. As I was leaving work another co-worker said, "Look, in a couple of years we'll be graduating from college. We won't find jobs. We'll be in the middle of World War 3, us vs everyone else. We'll be immediately drafted." I'd like to add that we will also have had our rights trampled upon since 2000.
Nov. 4, 2008!