Newness: I fixed the problem with email posts. They don't look funky anymore. I also have started using abbr's. These are tags for abbreviations. You'll notice that they are underlined with a dotted line. If you hover over them, you should see a popup of what the abbr replaced. I've also added a new feature of Blogger's. It's the little envelope with an arrow on it. If you click it, you can send a link to that particular post to anyone you so desire. (assuming you know their email addy)
Oldness: I nearly ran into Andy McCormick at school today. It was awkward, yet good.....? :) He was in a hurry, but he seemed pleased to see me. How nice. Maybe i'll have a good game of chess yet!
Oldness: I nearly ran into Andy McCormick at school today. It was awkward, yet good.....? :) He was in a hurry, but he seemed pleased to see me. How nice. Maybe i'll have a good game of chess yet!
I found those pictures you took of Andy at badminton my freshman year when I was cleaning my room. It really made me laugh. But earlier this summer I actually hung out with Andy McCormick, and it was kind of creepy. It's weird how your perspective of someone can change so much once you're actually around them.
This post is sort of pointless. Sorry.
at 14:15 |
that abbrs thing is hot, what's the code implementation of that?
at 14:22 |
The code is ‹abbr title=""›‹/abbr›. Isn't it fun? :)
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