College Collage

Cut and Paste Education ™

Talks a lot...but not much to say...

Well, Christmas is fast approaching and I have only 4/13 gifts to buy. I'm very pleased with myself because I wasn't sure that I would be so far along so soon into the season. My family set a $15 dollar/gift limit (upper not lower)...but I've gone over for almost everyone. At the time that we decided on this budgeted X-Mas, I had taken care of 8 of 14 people from my nice list. I couldn't get them nicer gifts than the i've abandoned the limit. Oh well. It's so much fun spending money but not having to feel guilty when I see that it was all wasted on me.

Work at FedEx is going very well. I'm on my way to a promotion. No pay-rate increase, but more hours. I'll be driving around the building all day moving around the semi-trailers. It should prove to be challenging what with the impeding winter weather. However, I'm happy. I've grown weary of loading now i'll drive them around in sub-zero tempertures :)

I went to see National Treasure last night. It was very good. I thought that the beginning was somewhat cheesy, but it was all made up for by the end. I also found a very well-made toy gun. It's a blue, pistol-styled, 8-cap ring using, cap gun. To reload you push a button on the side and it launches out the old ring. I just wish that I were 6 so I didn't look so crazy when shot it at uniformed police officers and young children. *sigh* The innocence of those unproven to be guilty.

I've become obsessed, again, with my GameBoy Advance SP. Specificly, I'm obsessed with the game "The Sword of Mana". It's not quite like "The Secret of Mana", but it shares many of the same great features. Although it is very late, i'll be up for another hour...or two playing this video game. It's my guilty pleasure that i don't feel bad about in the slightest.

One of my neighbors invited me to his weekly game night. I guess he and my landlord stay up all night playing Halo on 2 tv's. I also saw a Chess board in his living room. Maybe I'll be able to get back into chess in a real way. Chess or no Chess, I plan on taking him up on the offer one of these weekends. I'll keep you updated. :)

OH!!!! I almost forgot! I saw a preview for THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY!!! I'm so psyched! I can't wait to see this movie. !!! AAAAA! *deep breath* It should be cool...I guess :)

PS: After some further study of the afore mentioned cap gun it appears to be a JA-RU product. Ja-Ru is, as far as I know, the maker of every cap product i've ever used. I'm so thrilled that they've come up with a gun that is very high quality, yet doesn't mimic a real gun...It's more of a fantasy gun.

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