From the blog rises again.
I suppose that I am never happy with my template. This may have something to do with some mental problem of mine. It may be indicitive of an unlying disorder that is just waiting for the right time to manifest and kill all of my loved ones. I'd like to think that I'm just easily amused and easily bored and that those two things aren't mutually exclusive.
This new template was found on Blogger templates. It is very sexy and I like it a lot. I can't imagine what I would want to change about it, if anything. However, I decided on this new template six minutes ago.
Go to
McSweeney's! Wonderful things can be read there...and I HIGHLY recommend them.
Eat my blog!!
I suppose that I am never happy with my template. This may have something to do with some mental problem of mine. It may be indicitive of an unlying disorder that is just waiting for the right time to manifest and kill all of my loved ones. I'd like to think that I'm just easily amused and easily bored and that those two things aren't mutually exclusive.
This new template was found on Blogger templates. It is very sexy and I like it a lot. I can't imagine what I would want to change about it, if anything. However, I decided on this new template six minutes ago.
Go to
McSweeney's! Wonderful things can be read there...and I HIGHLY recommend them.
Eat my blog!!